Artist's rendering of planned longliner Northern Leader.Seattle-based Jensen Maritime Consultants says it has been
selected to design "one of the world's largest freezer longliner fishing vessels."
The 184-foot boat will be built in Tacoma for
Alaskan Leader Fisheries and will be homeported in Kodiak.
Go Robin!
Poor little economically disadvantaged fellas... only a couple hundred million in assets and profits of 30 million a year after bloated salary and benefit packages, grants and programs galore. I wish we could only help them out in more ways. Too bad uncle Ted isn't around to reap more of the kickbacks.
Since this is being built for BBEDC, will this also be configured to custom process salmon on the Bristol Bay fishing grounds? Good time to expand developing the optimum product opportunities. Frozen at sea, the best.
This company isn't entirely owned by BBEDC. They do fish some CDQ for them, but this company has amassed a large amount of their own quota from their exceptional catch history. As a result of the recent cod quota increases for the BS freezer longline fleet, and the fact that this fishery is a coop (the closest thing to IFQ without being federally managed as an IFQ fishery) this company as well as a few others need another boat to catch all the fish they are allocated. Simple as that. The perks that the native corp siphons off of that are merely a bonus for them!
Alaskan Leader Fisheries
8874 Bender Rd, Ste 201
Lynden, WA 98264
An old Native American wanted a loan for $25,000,000. He approached his local banker. The banker pulled out the loan application, asking, “What are you going to do with the money?” “Take fish to city and sell it,” said the old man. “What have you got for collateral?” queried the banker, going strictly by the book. “Don’t know of collateral.” “Well that’s something of value that would cover the cost of the loan. Have you got any vehicles?” “Yes, I have a 1949 Chevy pickup.” The banker shook his head, “How about livestock?” “Yes, I have a dog.” “How old is it?” “I don’t know; it has no teeth.” Finally the banker decided to make the $25,000,000 loan. Several weeks later the old man was back in the bank. He pulled out a roll of bills, “Here’s the money to pay loan,” he said, handing the entire amount including interest. “What are you going to do with the rest of that money?” “Put it in my pocket.” “Why don’t you deposit it in my bank?” he asked. “I don’t know of deposit.” “Well, you put the money in our bank and we take care of it for you. When you want to use it you can withdraw it.” The old Indian leaned across the desk, looking suspiciously at the banker, and asked, “What you got for collateral?”
As I understand the BBEDC grant process all of the work shall be done and completed in alaska. I guess Stiffler slipped Monica A Big Cuban. <')---<.
All of the work is being done at Tacoma WA shipyard. Owned by "Alaskans"; all jobs outsourced to another state. Thanks guys!
I wonder why they didn't contract the work at Ketchikan that's doing the big Bering Sea freezer longer liner for Winther's group in Petersburg.
The company is owned 50/50 between Ocean Beauty and BBEDC.
The reason they didn't build it in Ketchikan is because Prowler's (Trident's) boat will be being built there and they need a new boat ASAP. That yard is only so big and barely capable of building Eaton/Winther's. And I think you're mistaken about Ocean Beauty owning half of this company.
BBEDC owns half of Ocean Beauty. Big difference.
501. (c) 4?,,id=96178,00.html
Of course when you can't make it fishin, like Robin Samulsen and Associates, you can get the new and improved Welfare Fleet.[1].pdf
Alaska Welfare Leaders, Te(D) Stevens!
The welfare slush fund?
Isn't it great when you work for Government, and your part of the Department of Commerce Officials, on their way to jail?
How on Earth do you find all these crooks and their activities? Must just be a case of easy pickin's.
Nice bidarka, how did you learn to bend steel plates so well around those whale bones. Customary and traditional, right?
jeez what do you expect us to do compete with our fish traps and bidarkas.momma didn't raise fools around here!if your soo jeolous of the natives having opportunitys steered in there direction for a change,maybe we should point out all the oil wealth dollars over tne years that has been steered toward programs that benifit the other side,such as the oil wealth going toward state pension plans for retired state workers and school teachers.this amounts to billions of dollars that mostly benifit walley hickle once proposed an oil royalty of 1 or 2 percent to go the native population but this was shot down!how many economic opportunitys were the native peoples denied with that vote,maybe we could have paid for our own longliners with money realized from the wealth of our ancestral homeland?
BBEDC, what a Joke.
Who ever heard of a non-profit hoarding all the money and investing it into other fisheries and not our local region. It time for the ceo to retire and allow someone else the chance to bring on-shore economic developement to Bristol Bay.
A message to all... Don't count on any leadership from Dillingham, these half breeds don't understand the meaning of ECONOMIC DEVELOPEMENT, except personal economic developement by paying themself over $100,000.00 per year with High School education's.
The mining industry is providing more jobs then the BB's combined...
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