Monday, September 30, 2024

What is pelagic trawl gear?

State Rep. Sarah Vance, R-Homer, weighs in with a letter to the North Pacific Fishery Management Council, which is meeting this week in Anchorage.


Anonymous said...

The big question should be why this "expert" is demanding "immediate action" on an agenda item that is a preliminary review? She clearly has no concept of how the federal fisheries process works. The NPFMC is a year or more away from any action on this. She should stick to state policy or do her homework before revealing her fundamental lack of understanding of the process.

Anonymous said...

Are we going to buy the troopers submarines to enforce these new regulations? Once it got out that the midwater boys were all on the bottom, now we need another unenforceable regulation.

Anonymous said...

NMFS already hit Kodiak trawlers with an enforcement action on using bottom trawling gear features in a midwater fishery. NOAA already has data on bottom contact with midwater so it doesn't seem to be an impossible task do some level of enforcement.