Sunday, September 29, 2024

Another big day in court

As previously reported, a Bering Sea bottom trawl fleet, operating under the banner Groundfish Forum, is suing in an effort to kill new regulations to tighten halibut bycatch limits.

The fleet argues it's being unfairly singled out and faces potential financial ruin.

The National Marine Fisheries Service — as well as several fishing, processing and conservation players in the halibut sector — are defending the regulations.

The case has been cooking for several months and is now set for an important round of oral argument beginning at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday in federal court in Anchorage.

To listen, dial (571) 353-2301 and use call ID 275666327.


Deckboss said...

Here's more information from the Halibut Defense Alliance:

Deckboss said...

Arguments heard with written rulings to issue, the case docket says.

Anonymous said...

The hard cap number assigned initially when the halibut biomass was much higher was unconscionable from the start. Commercial take from all sectors MUST follow actual biological distribution, not lobbyist or political pressures.