Sunday, July 28, 2024

Salmon notes

Here are a couple of items of interest from the salmon season so far.

• The industry has notched a productive season in Bristol Bay. The total catch stands at 30.8 million sockeye, well above the preseason forecast of 25 million. The fish, however, reportedly are quite small this year. Deckboss remains in the dark on prices. Evidently they were good, as we've heard no bellyaching from fishermen.

• The Prince William Sound seine fishery is struggling. The common property pink salmon harvest through July 26 was "very poor" at 3.9 million fish, or 68 percent below the even-year average for 2004-22, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game reports.


Anonymous said...

The PWS guys are crying their welfare fish didn't show up.

Anonymous said...

3.9 million would have been a great return of wild pinks back before the nonprofit PWSAC was spawned. Now, 3.9 million is "very poor." Pre-PWSAC, everybody would have been tickled pink at 3.9 million and never had to experience cost recovery for the nonprofit to be profitable. Maybe they're just late, or they got erased by Mother Nature.