Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Who knew?

Did you know that the "Grand Canyons of the Sea" can be found off Alaska's coast?

And that these two underwater canyons are prominent "Green Belt" features?

And that Bering Sea commercial fishing vessels, including factory trawlers "the size of ocean liners," are dragging nets and longlines through the canyons?

And that these canyons, which are "remarkable biologically," really should be protected?

And that the North Pacific Fishery Management Council, which is meeting this week in Anchorage and lacks "conservation seats," probably won't do the right thing without a push from Greenpeace and other groups?

Read all about it and see lots of pictures here.


  1. Thank you for the link. The more we know about the Bering Sea, the more likely we'll stand up to protect the unique environment from the destruction and pillage of the factory trawler fishery.

    It is also becoming a well-known fact that the industry regulates itself, therefore they are in it for the money.

    A sad dilemma of this destructive fishery is that it is also destroying a hundreds year old culture and tradition of Alaskans living off the salmon. The salmon species are being killed off as bycatch. The consequences for this incidental travesty of the fishery need to be stricter. I agree that "conservation seats" are needed. The fishery was out of sight, therefore out of mind for too long.

  2. Wow...I had no idea. Thanks for posting this.

  3. I am pretty sure Wesley was being sarcastic.

  4. Greenpeace can suck my balls.

  5. I'm hoping you'll give us more coverage on the NPFMC meeting Wes.

    There are hundreds of us salmon subsistence users out here in Western Alaska hoping that the council will do the right thing with our 'bread and butter' salmon that is a Stock of Concern in many of our rivers - the Summer Chum Run. Chum Salmon Bycatch of the Pollock Fishery is on the agenda and we're hoping for a 30,000 cap.

    Word is that the Norton Sound CDQ group, NSEDC, is promoting a 130,000 cap which will continue to put hardships on the tradition and culture of the people living in Western Alaska. That economic development corporation(NSEDC) is altering the culture and tradition without the permission of the people.

    As far as they are concerned, Pink Salmon for dry fish is good enough for us while they promote the newest Rural Alaska economic development activity of a per diem meeting going culture for a handful of stooges who'd rather give up tradition for a meager per diem check.

    Poor Summer Chum Salmon
    Cannot feed the people anymore
    The poor peoples culture and tradition is being
    Traded for a Per Diem Check

    PS tell Janis I'm not Tim.

  6. What's this all about? Greenpeace long ago discovered the word "Alaska" is valuable in raising money.

  7. The often overlooked irony here is that no one is more rapacious in their pursuit of profit over stewardship than these self same
    'village' CDQ corporations. Any
    surprise they'd want to up the salmon
    by catch cap?

  8. Greenpeace has it's role in helping to protect nature from the greedy men to work to exploit everything they could make a billion on. Good for them that they are involved in Alaska.

  9. Last spring the people in Western Alaska supported a 30,000 Cap for the Pollock Fishery on Chum Salmon Bycatch. 30,000 CAP on Chum Salmon Bycatch of the Pollock Fishery. That's the wish of the people.

    As for "profit over stewardship" in regards to the CDQ program, you are right - the handful of men in control choose money over the tradition and culture of their poor stakeholders in the Western Alaska region.

    The birth of the CDQs, spawned from the Pollock Fishery twenty years ago, was intended to give the poor people a 'hand up' because of the hardships the Salmon Bycatch of the Pollock Fishery was and continues to cause.

    It's ironic alright. The people have had no say in the path the CDQs took which lead them right back out into the Bering Sea, investing heavily in that same fishery which is destroying a tradition and culture for people all over Alaska.
