Monday, March 26, 2012

Ready, set...

Sitka Sound herring seiners go on two-hour notice effective 11 a.m. Tuesday.

Here's the announcement from the Department of Fish and Game.


  1. Why did you turn off the comment
    option on Fuglvog's story ??

  2. Duh... because Fuglvog was being slandered

  3. slandering a prisoner?

    What a concept!

  4. Like slandering a herring at $.00005 a lb.

  5. Wesley, how about an update on the PWS shrimp propoals at the BOF?

  6. Fuglov slandered? What a joke,the author must be another one of his sunday school pals.He got off easy and thats it,

  7. Isn't slander when it's an UNtrue

  8. "Damnit Scotty, give me more power!!! I'm going to ram this ship right into that thing and finish it for good!

    "Captain, the dilithium crystals, they're breaking up!"

    (Fuglvog has been taken captive by Klingon infiltrators.)

  9. Anyone ever hear what happened to
    the Fred Hankins case, it was
    scheduled for the 13th of Feb.
    what did they do,drop the charges
    against the man Fuglvog got a reduced
    sentenced for testifying against.

  10. Arne.......I see BUBBA coming

  11. At least Arnies right at home, Pink Salmon at the Generals Prison Store; $2.05

    Petersburg, for Perfection in Pink Salmon, and can we buy back Arne like Ben Steven's too!

  12. ANY time deckb doesent like your comment they stop comments just like psvoa and those crooks in west pass

  13. Obviously there's a limited few that can’t quit discussing Arnie Fuglvog. Why don't you all post your names and email address so you can direct your thoughts and comments to each other. Nobody here cares what you think. This is a decent site for fishermen to discuss fish news, not for the quit early, anchor up and drink losers.

  14. or the sit at the dock in sitka, wait for herring and drink losers like us

    -vampire slaying Abraham Lincoln

  15. Now that's both funny and worthy fish news!

  16. I think they will be paid atleast $.13333333 a lb. way better then. 0000005

  17. And some people should stay on anchor, the drink and think crowd, Fisherman of Year and the quit early crowd, they like the retirement plan just like Arne.

    On January 8, 1991, the Seattle Seven and Exxon settled the Seattle Seven's claims for the 1989 and 1990 fishing seasons...The existence of a settlement agreement was made known to the rest of the subsequent punitive damages class, but its terms were kept confidential.

    We love the think and drink crowd, headquarters Petersburg Alaska & Petersburg Virginia too.

    Nobody cares, if you drink and think,youll make Man of the Year, at UFA too!

  18. Bash deckboss day!!!
