Wednesday, March 28, 2012

State looks at financing seafood real estate deal

A state lending agency, the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority, is weighing whether to team with a bank on a $7.5 million loan to a Juneau seafood processor.

Here's an AIDEA staff memo with all the details.

The AIDEA board meets Friday. Here's the agenda.


  1. Man,Hank must have some bucks,too bad he can't match the other buyers fish prices from last year.I guess thats why he can afford a multi million dollare venture.

  2. Those seafood processors sure like to stick their necks out way far. Too risky for me. Times are changing because the people are not happy with the way the seafood industry is controlling everything with their big bucks in Alaska Fisheries.

  3. There are some very serious ties
    to Fisheries on the AIDEA Board
    that,besides there own factory boats,and crabber, have ties to the processors.
    They should recuse them selves as
    a matter of conflict of interest.

  4. Seafood processing is something Juneau is good for. But the state government needs to get out of there. Maybe put all those elected representatives to work on the slime line. Let's elect some new ones and rent office space in Anchorage. This remote capitol business is a disaster for the state.

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