Sunday, September 11, 2022

Are you catching seabirds?

A recent press release from the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership says an independent audit identified "high potential bycatch risks" in fisheries supplying seafood to UK retailing giant Tesco.

Among the flagged fisheries:

Alaskan salmon set/drift gillnet fisheries pose a significant risk to seabirds.

"Tesco is ... working with suppliers who use gillnets to investigate their potential removal and where removal is currently unfeasible, introduce mitigation measures into those fisheries as soon as possible," the press release says.

This has Deckboss wondering: Does Alaska salmon gillnetting really have a seabird bycatch problem?


Anonymous said...

No, definitely not. It's very rare to ever catch a bird in a Bristol Bay gillnet, never saw one myself.

Anonymous said...

It's a "potential bycatch risk", they should go after the AK fisheries that have a proven issue with bycatch.

Anonymous said...

Check out the data from the bycatch study we hated in the Gillnet fisheries in areas 8 and 6 in S.E. Alaska. Nothing !!! To have some liberal organization threaten our fisheries is criminal. We as fisherman have enough to deal with besides slanderous accusations and lies from a so called concerned group of nobody’s who only want to generate money for their so called cause. Talk to me on the dock someday, anytime !!

anonymous said...

Most Alaskan commercial fisheries have been observed for interactions with marine mammals. The record is clear, as it relates to gill nets, birds are aware and in fact thrive on stationary nets as it captures their prey.

Tom Rollman said...

I have setnetted in both Cook Inlet and Bristol Bay for over 40 years and we do not catch seabirds or birds of any kind in our nets. On the VERY rare occasion that we have, they were dead before being caught.