Friday, February 28, 2025

Sen. Cantwell rips reported NOAA purge

Here's her statement.


Deckboss said...

More details in The Seattle Times:

Deckboss said...

Some thoughts from the Alaska Marine Conservation Council:

Anonymous said...

This is partisan hyperbole. Organizations in the private sector do staff reductions and still maintain services. A 10% reduction is reasonable. Cantwell and AMCC should retract their stories and apologize.

Deckboss said...

From the Anchorage Daily News:

Anonymous said...

Sen. Warren Magnuson would've drowned her a decade ago, back when Democrats had to pass eighth-grade math to get elected. When Noah built the ark, it was not raining. $36 trillion in debt, with $46 trillion in unfunded liabilities, and she wonders why Noah wouldn't have given her a room on the ark. He didn't have to worry about the fish, just the weather report.

Anonymous said...

Is it election season again? Once more the two dimwit senators from Washington state speak up and make fools of themselves. Both have been in office for decades and accomplished nothing except to inflate the deficit.

Anonymous said...

NOAA has historically been underfunded. In fact, over the past 20 years, its budget has barely kept up with inflation. It likely needs to be doubled from the current $6.6 billion to provide adequate services. I've been in government for 15 years, and I've never had a budget increase over inflation, but I've dealt with four significant budget cuts over that time. Most agencies at every level — local, state and federal — are underfunded, and their employees are already wearing multiple hats to maintain services for the public.