Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Rep. Vance proposes a sea change

Rep. Sarah Vance, R-Homer, today introduced a resolution urging the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to extend state fisheries management jurisdiction out to 15 nautical miles from the current 3 miles.


Anonymous said...

About time.

Puerto Rico and Guam have more jurisdiction than Alaska.

So do Texas and Florida.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nobody going to grant Alaska 15 miles, they can't even manage 3, or did the Ninth Circuit confuse everyone in UCIDA v State & NMFS.

It's just like Metlakatla v. Dunleavy, Vincent-Lang, & Price, nobody is even qualified to find out what's actually going on in Alaska's cases of no jurisdiction whatsoever.

I suppose next their going to want jurisdiction over the Ninth Circuit, and discuss why San Franscisco controls.

Anonymous said...

The feds are not meeting the minimum standards with managing the fisheries or serving the communities.

Anonymous said...

Something needs to change, things are headed in the wrong direction.

Anonymous said...

Good to see the state Legislature has time to waste on things that will NEVER go anywhere. The state can't afford their governing obligations now. How are they going to afford paying for fishery surveys, fishery enforcement. The Legislature's time would be better spent renaming a post office.

Anonymous said...

We are allowing the feds to mismanage and kill all our state waters king salmon and halibut in trawl and frozen at sea factory freezer longliners.

And Alaska deserves to manage farther offshore.

You take a pee at 3.1 miles or pollute and it's onshore in minutes or hours.

This 3-mile jurisdiction is a joke.

Anonymous said...

Don Young was in favor of it.

So was Clem Tillion.

Naturally, APA and Groundfish Forum are against it, what with 23% of all Bering Sea cod being caught as 'bycatch' by the council's Amendment 80 fleet.

Anonymous said...

You guys still haven't figured out Dunleavy appoints the Board of Fish and the majority of voting seats on the North Pacific Council and you all think inside or outside of 3 miles will change anything?

Here's your friends, 3 miles and out, the voting seats. Angela Drobnica, Juneau, Rachel Baker, Juneau, Karla Bush, Juneau, John Jensen, Petersburg, Nicole Kimball, Anchorage, Jon Kurland, Juneau, Gretchen Harrington, Juneau Andy Mezirow, Seward, Rudy Tsukada, Anchorage.

And, Bill Tweit, Olympia, Kenny Down, Seattle, Chris Oliver, Portland, John Seabourne, Salem, Anne Vanderhoeven, Seattle, Steve Williams, Salem.

Y'all elected Dunleavy. At least Bill Walker got on a fishing boat in his younger days, and was born in Alaska. But, y'all hated him because he shrunk your oil dividend check.

Now what's shrunk?

Dunleavy's from Scranton, Pennsylvania, just like Joe Biden, and you all think management will change on a certain side of a new imaginary line?

Blame everyone but yourselves, you got exactly what you elected, and moving that line will change absolutely nothing.

Anonymous said...

Rep. Vance's idea for this resolution carries no force of law at all. It is pure dim-witted political posturing, and nothing more.

She could just as easily resolve that all fishermen should wear Grundéns, not Hellys, and it would have the same effect.

I wish she'd concentrate on meaningful work, but that appears to be beyond her capability.