Sunday, February 18, 2024

Juneau watch

The Senate Finance Committee on Monday will take up Senate Bill 82 establishing a buyback program for eastside Cook Inlet setnet permits.

Here's a letter from United Fishermen of Alaska with thoughts on the legislation.


Anonymous said...

Buy back(s) need to cost at CURRENT values, not the inflated price they are proposing. It's nuts to think they feel justified for the numbers they are asking through this program. Like all business ventures, there's risk and rewards. In this case the knows were made for all to see where this fishery was heading for 10-15-20 years. Those who participated in the fishery had time to adjust to the outcome all knew was going to happen. At the end of the day, I hope Juneau does not pass this, based on current numbers they are proposing to pay.

Anonymous said...

They never bought back the Southeast setnet permits that were all just revoked by the Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission, as the Supreme Court of Alaska upheld in Matson v. CFEC, 1990.