Friday, December 29, 2023

Fire reported on ship carrying lithium-ion batteries

Details in this press release from the U.S. Coast Guard.


Deckboss said...

Here's an update from the Coast Guard:

Deckboss said...

Here's an update from the city of Unalaska:

Deckboss said...

William Homka, Unalaska city manager, reported the following in a memo yesterday to the mayor and city council members:

"Genius Star XI: The ship is currently moored to a buoy in Broad Bay in advance of the storms predicted for this weekend. We do not yet know when the ship will leave our harbors. The USCG response team, led by Captain Culpepper, make repeated assurances our community is safe from the cargo of 192 lithium-ion batteries weighing over 3.5 million pounds. Six monitoring instruments have been placed along Airport Beach Rd. between Glass Beach and the airport to aid with monitoring potential gasses from the batteries."