Tuesday, October 25, 2022

This just in

Gov. Mike Dunleavy is requesting a federal fishery disaster declaration for Alaska's crab crash.


  1. Crabbers keep your mouths shut about mismanagement or you won't get any disaster money.

    "For assistance to be provided under section 312(a), a commercial fishery failure must be shown to have occurred due to a fishery resource disaster of natural or undetermined causes or man-made causes beyond the control of fishery managers to mitigate through conservation and management measures"

  2. If you don't agree with paying off other people's college student loan debt you should question crabber disaster relief. They took on the debt and pocketed billions in profits.

    1. Billions in profits? Hardly, probably the biggest payday was when the Mariner fisheries guy cashed out to the CDQ people for $40 million, some of the brown crab owners got rich, but most people made a living crabbing.

  3. I was including the Processors and Ratz receivers, I'm sure all will want to be included. I know many just earn a living.
