Thursday, February 15, 2018

New leader coming for BBRSDA

Becky Martello, executive director of the Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association, has announced her resignation.


  1. Becky,

    Thank-you for your work on behalf of the Bristol Bay Drift fleet. You have been a steady hand at the helm, and built a solid foundation for our future Marketing efforts. We did not lose a good Executive Director, we lost a great individual that happened to be an Excellent Executive Director. Best of luck going forward to you and your family.

  2. I wish they would resign the entire does nothing more than piss in the wind

  3. The Bristol bay fleet are bunch of unappreciative bums. BBRSDA does a lot for you. For example they held an $11,000 town hall meeting series to encourage dialog with members, or they spent $50,000 for a campaign to tell fisherman to chill their fish, and who can forget the $90,000 dollars that went to the Bristol Bay Fisheries Collaborative that in turn funded the ADF&G.

  4. Yep.......sounds like pissing in the wind

    on our dime

  5. I couldn't agree more. We'd all be in better off financially if we just invested our 1% into a simple index fund. It's just not that complicated.

  6. How is they have the legal right to take our 1% ??

  7. To those of you who disagree with the BBRSDA, I believe there are projects that are worth while. The Rising tide communication that Becky helped to create, that focuses on Strategic Partnerships with retailers to promote Bristol Bay Sockeye in the retail settings .Lunds & Byerlys a Minnesota/St.Paul regional retailer Mark Jones and Kate Consentein retail consultant and marketing contractor, mark highlighting enthusiasm retailers and distributors were expressing with the brand and the story.
    The "Brand" which has been very well received and has proven to be scalable , marketable and desirable. Goals for 2018 campaign would include continued growth in retailer reach and fresh season promotions, with continued development in all elements of the supply chain. Promoting positive aspects of Bristol Bay Sockeye.
    RSW discount program, I don't agree with. Reading the minutes of the September 18-19 where the RSW Resale Program could be structured so as to not jeopardize the organizations 501c(6) status .The opinion noted that a RSW rebate program would be riskier.
    Special teleconference Board Meeting, January 10,2018. There's talk about how the costs outweigh the benefits , possible conflicts of interest. Discussion by Board members that wouldn't purchase these units in the first round of the program. Becky recommended "Not" moving forward with the project stating that its not in the BBRSDA best interest. Padilla agreed with Becky, stating that she doesn't feels this project will be a net positive to the organization!
    The Outreach program of $5,000.00 to support a ER doctor, and in year past were there was insurance for medivac flights to Anchorage are good idea's.
    I attended the last meeting in Bellingham, when it came to this quality issue , it was a heated debate, counsel issues , cost of the project, etc. read the minutes , get involved, understand where your money going. There's good issues and bad . you decide election are coming, "VOTE" ! If you don't your just pissing in the wind.
    Darryl Pope
    F/V 401k

  8. The problem I see with the BBRSDA promoting to buyers, is that they are putting effort into nickle and dime buyers. The markets do their best to promote the fish.......They have to!! they will sell their product.
    To think the BBRSDA has better contacts for buyers is absurd. Markets are selling to buyers by the millions of pounds, not a case here and there.

  9. No Shit 6:06, take a look at the budget on their website, they spend to much on trivial things

  10. All you guys that complain about the BBRSDA never get involved with it. It's just complain, complain, complain. You have a voice in the organization so instead of being a keyboard warrior why don't you go and use it at a BBRSDA meeting. Get involved. Vote for someone on the board who holds the same values as you. Stop whining about it from home after the season. Farmed fish has taken a huge PR hit over the past several months. The BBRSDA can take advantage of this and promote the benefits of BB sockeye. Or instead of using the BBRSDA you fishermen could try to band together and market your fish. Good luck getting any of you guys to agree on anything together.

  11. to 8:18 AM, the BBRSDA has no fish to market so do not confuse fisherman marketing product with goals of RSDA. The BBRSDA attempts to increase the value to its members by adhering to their strategic plan. Not all of us that complain are un-involved. You simply assume so if we disagree with the organization. Some of the board members are more interested in claiming what they've accomplished and how effective they think they are that they dismiss ideas if they are not their own. The RSDA has made good progress and the board members seem committed. However, rather than dumping it, how about changing the tax structure to 0.5%? After all, why 1%? That is simply the rate we were taxed when it went to ASMI. I'm an involved member that disagrees with the current tax structure but see some value in the organization.

  12. Regarding the first comment, posted February 18th:

    Your excessive praise lavished upon Ms. Martello is unwarranted given the fact she is quitting after only two years. Why is Martello leaving after such a short tenure? This will be a primary question of any potential Executive Director. Potential candidates and tax-paying BBRSDA members deserve a detailed answer.

    Of course there are those who will remain steadfast in their support of Martello. But let the rest of know: Why is leaving? What is the full story here?

  13. The moment I receive the pink slip showing how much fish I sold to the that given tender/cannery, I as the vessel/permit owner do not own the fish. How is it that we have to pay to market someone else's the canneries. I honestly believe the canneries are laughing at us, we pay to market their fish they own.... great concept. The set netter's made the right call when this concept was passed, good for the set netters, they are paying nothing but enjoying the free lunch like the canneries. I'd love to put this concept to vote again. I'm sure it would be voted out of existence. 0% value added for my operation.

  14. 10:27 I couldn't agree more

  15. The canneries are laughing. It is there job to market the fish, and overall, they haven't done that bad a job in recent years. But, look at the plus side. At least you re providing a good living for the BBRSDA staff.

  16. The canneries dont have the where with all or need to change there program. The only cannery that effectively helped the bb market was leader creek. Problem with fishers is the a large % are male and more often then not males.would rather be right then happy.... (Buck g.or Matt m. great example). If we dont change and fix this on our own, hense somethimg like bbrsda to be some adhesive to bind our bull headed individuality we are doomed back to .40 a lb.

  17. So help me out 10:57

    how can we get rid of the worthless marketer that is BBRSDA, cuz I'm all for it!

  18. The processors have recently begun to invest in fillet lines to turn out the product the US market wants. More money will be invested by those who will survive. there will always be a market for some half and quarter cans, but the days of slamming most of the run into one pound cans or selling tramper loads of H and G to a handful of probably colluding Japanese buyers is over. And, that is why you wont see forty cents again. It has nothing to do with BBRSDA.

  19. Vote yourself self in as a member , get elected, and do all the stuff ie due dilligence and whatever you deem effective for all as opposed to just wanting your specific idea/agenda being done , or find someone you believe can do the same vote for them , or quit bitching about 1% being miss spent because from the outside its easy to have all the solutions

  20. BBRSDA could disappear tomorrow and it wouldn't make a bit of difference to fish price. Their impact is virtually nil compared to the marketing prowess and efforts of AGS, SBS, OB and Trident. Pay them if you want, or disappear them and be happy.

  21. 4:15.........Roger that

  22. To 7:09 PM, Erick Sabo led an effort to raise enough signatures to put the future of the BBRSDA to vote. Hard to believe but he couldn't get the required amount. I'd love for him to lead the charge again.

  23. 10:01, interesting, I hope he does it again

  24. Come on Erick Sabo, lead us to the glory hole. Lets dump the BBRSDA.

  25. You bunch of morons. Marketing is more valuable then actual product. The major foreign owners love it when you fight and keep yourselves down. You deserve to be led by Sabo, straight back down to fifty cents a pound. The world's most valuable fishery, represented by nobody, genius idea, morons.

  26. March 9, read the March 2 0406 AM post about forty cents. You aren't going to see forty cents or fifty cents again, and it has absolutely nothing to do with BBRSDA. Their program is irrelevant.

  27. Didn't we get 50 cents just 2 or 3 years ago?

    BBRSDA is a wet dream that is good in theory and poor in action and results.
