Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Trawl company fined over illegal lingcod catch

Here's the press release.


  1. Whaaaat? a 12 grand fine and this company killed 70% of the lingcod quota, illegally fishing in closed waters with prohibited gear AND they find sold the fish too…….Sounds fair to me and then they try to put an honest man in Jail for perceived a clerical error….. I'm sorry this sounds like an very light sentance for the prosecution happy State…...

  2. Corporate neanderthals. "non pelagic" means bottom trawling which, along with dynamite fishing, is the most destructive way known to man to catch fish. Hard on bottom these "non pelagic" trawlers are killing everything in their path including the habitat. GOA trawlers and others are asking the NPFMC for a catch share program which will ultimately result in more trawling especially the worst kind: "non pelagic".... Much of the EU is weening themselves off of bottomn trawling as its unstainable. ASMI just certified it.

  3. This is completely absurd. Trawl lobbyists have tainted the NPFMC, the state and NMFS beyond any scope of reasonable imagination. When are fisheries managers going to stop turning a blind eye at the rape and pillage of the Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands and GOA by the bottom trawl fleet? Are they waiting to destroy every fishery, or just the ones that harvest products that are actually worth something. How many halibut and king crab are swept over the side as "bycatch" per day while these clowns drag bags full of low-dollar sole over their sterns in the Eastern Bering Sea? How many halibut and blackcod are dumped in the GOA as "bycatch" at the expense of the hook-and-line quota holders. This fine is a joke and not even a slap on the wrist for these bottom-feeders. Bycatch measures NEED to be re-evaluated before it's too late! Enough is enough.
