Sunday, April 27, 2014

It's on at Togiak

The Togiak sac roe herring fishery opened at 6 p.m. today.

Here's the announcement from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.

The quota is an enormous 27,890 tons, but the roe market reportedly is lousy. So it'll be interesting to see whether processors, gillnetters and seiners show much appetite this year for Togiak herring.


  1. This is the worst public image of commercial fishermen killing fish for the sake of the kill and no other good reason. What you land in Togiak devalues what you caught in Sitka! You're gonna fish for $50 a ton, stop kidding yourself.

  2. At 3 cents a pound does this even cover fuel? I guess whatever it takes to keep your market, but at some point you have to wonder where to draw the line?

  3. to even support fishing and remove a great resource for nothing is beyond comprehension. the state fish and game, more like a business than a biological management team, smelly bunch of shady biologists and dept. heads.

  4. From the same group that fished sockeye for $800.00 a ton?

    There are two types of fisherman - those who fish for sport and those who fish for fish.
