Friday, March 16, 2012

Southeast charter anglers get 'trophy' opportunity

The National Marine Fisheries Service today announced the rules for charter halibut anglers this season.

In Area 2C (Southeast Alaska), the one-fish daily bag limit stays in effect. Retained halibut can't exceed 45 inches in length. An exception, however, allows anglers to keep "trophy" fish greater than 68 inches.

In Area 3A (Southcentral Alaska), the rules are the same as last year: Charter anglers may keep two fish of any size per day.


  1. perfect, make sure you kill the egg layers

  2. got to take care of our friends in the tourism industry!yep yep dy golly what a beutifull state we have that one per vessel or one per angler on vessel?

  3. Seriously???

    Some big-ass ugly female halibut is considered a trophy?

    Is someone going to hang that on a wall?

    The AAC should be: The limit shall be one halibut, the first one caught over 30". Catch and release only allowed for fish under 30".

    Cherry picking for the better fish kills fish. Keep the sporters happy catching and releasing the salmon. No need to kill old bottomfish.

    Trophy? No. Breeder female targeting.

  4. the meat on those big female halibut tastes and looks nasty! The sport-os should educate their clients on the ecosystem disruption they are contributing to by removing the big spawners. Would they like to eat a 20 year old cow or a nice juicy and succulent 2 year old cow?

  5. Why kill more breaders? Im a quota holder. I care about the halibut stocks. I want there to be a fishery in the future. I shake the giant hogs. Trophys? screw that! leave the breaders in the ocean, theres no reason to take them. There the only ones that will secure our future!

  6. Are there many quota share fishermen that shake + $1,000 fish ???
