Thursday, March 15, 2012

Parnell likes Dersham, Hull for new council terms

Here's the press release from Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell's office:

March 15, 2012

Gov. Parnell makes nominations to fishery council

JUNEAU — Gov. Sean Parnell nominated Robert "Ed" Dersham and Howard "Dan" Hull for consideration by the U.S. commerce secretary for continued service on the North Pacific Fishery Management Council.

The governor also named Timothy Evers and Julianne Curry as alternate nominees.

"The fisheries resources in the North Pacific are of vital importance to Alaska, and each of these nominees possesses excellent management and conservation skills," Parnell said. "Mr. Dersham and Mr. Hull have served effectively on the council, and Alaska's interests will continue to be well-served by these nominees."

Dersham, of Anchorage, is completing his first full term on the NPFMC, having served a partial term immediately prior. An active charter boat operator and lodge owner in Lower Cook Inlet for more than 25 years, Dersham retired from a career as a special agent with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency. He also served for nine years on the Alaska Board of Fisheries, worked as a consultant for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, and served as a coordinating liaison between the Board of Fisheries and the NPFMC. Dersham earned a bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of Oregon.

Hull, of Anchorage, is completing his first term on the NPFMC. He is the owner of Hull Fisheries LLC, fishing for halibut and salmon out of Cordova. He is currently a member of the Alaska Sea Grant Advisory Committee and a former member of the Cordova District Fishermen United board of directors, the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council Public Advisory Group, the Prince William Sound Aquaculture Corp. board of directors, the Prince William Sound Fisheries Ecosystem Research Planning Group, and the United Fishermen of Alaska board of directors. In addition to his 30-year career in commercial fishing, Hull also worked as a research associate for the Institute of Social and Economic Research. He earned a master's degree in marine affairs from the University of Washington and a bachelor's degree in anthropology from Dartmouth College.

Evers, of Ninilchik, is currently a member of the Advisory Panel to the NPFMC. A longtime charter operator, Evers owned Deep Creek Sport Shop, Big Valley Lodge and Cabin Rentals, and Fishward Bound Adventures. Evers is the founder and former president of the Deep Creek Charterboat Association, and served on the Central Peninsula Fish and Game Advisory Committee. In addition, he served five terms on the National Association of Charterboat Operators.

Curry, of Petersburg, is the executive director of the Petersburg Vessel Owners Association and a member of the Advisory Panel to the NPFMC. Curry participates in commercial fisheries for halibut, sablefish, salmon, herring and crab. She is a member of the board of directors and executive committee of United Fishermen of Alaska, and is the chair of the Petersburg Commercial Fishing Committee. A member of the Petersburg Marine Mammal Center board of directors, Curry earned a bachelor's degree in business administration from Northern Arizona University.

With jurisdiction over the 1 million square mile Exclusive Economic Zone off the coast of Alaska, the NPFMC has primary responsibility for groundfish management in the Gulf of Alaska, Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands, including cod, pollock, flatfish, mackerel, sablefish and rockfish species harvested mainly by trawlers, longliners and pot fishermen.

Established by the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976, the NPFMC is one of eight regional councils dedicated to the oversight of the nation's fisheries.

The commerce secretary is empowered under the law to choose the final council appointees from applicants nominated by governors of coastal states.


  1. Too bad Hull hasn't earned a doctorate yet, that would let him feel even more important and "qualified".

  2. Ahem, does the governor run so blind as to miss that Ms. Curry was behind the Hatch Act violations while on the AP - passing out Lisa Murkowski campaign materials/buttons while on the federal meeting dole?

    Sean, have you no shame whatsoever when it comes to empowering the privatization of fisheries and other resources and the factions who support it?

    But, Dan Hull sits on the Council and ignores False Testimony that is a felony under the MSA and negatively affects the governor's office and State of Alaska interests, without making a strong request that violators (like president of UFA, Arni Thomson - and Ed Poulson of the AP) be prosecuted.

    If this Council is going to take a nose dive into this integrity-lacking structure of conflicted players, then maybe it is finally time to end the regional council altogether. Why not? They fail to protect ACTIVE PARTICIPANTS such as captains and crew, and all the small businesses in fishery dependent coastal communities.

    Stage show politics matched by stage show council theatrics.

    Groundswell Fisheries Movement

  3. And the "Institute of Social and Economic Research?"

    Dartmouth where all our favorite gillnetters graduate, Sprite and a Vodka, just like Joe Hazlewood, where it takes one to know one, on the Prince William Sound Exxon Valdez Aquaculture system, of socio-economic drunks at the helm, where even cabin boy Hazlewood, didn't need an anthropology degree to watch these cave man in action.

    Isn't it great PWSAC, and 45 cent's in 1975, and 45 cents in 2012, Dartmouth College Approved!

    And then we have Dersham, retired DEA?

    Alaska's Best Interest well served?

    As long as a drug test is never included!

  4. A better balance on the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council is needed to off-set the hardships the people of the Western Alaska Coastal Area have been facing with the dwindling salmon returns. It's now a well known fact that part of the problem is the pollock fisheries salmon bycatch blunder. The fishery is managed through NPFMC regulations. Representatives living in Anchorage or the Southeast won't cut the mustard. They will continue to leave their fellow Alaskans high and dry in terms of living off the salmon as was the tradition and culture of the people in the poorest region of the State of Alaska.

  5. it's a wonder anyone would want to serve on the Council when you have to deal with ignoramuses like the ones posting above. instead of sitting back and complaining, perhaps these "qualified" people above should step up, put their names in and get to work fixing the things they think are problems

  6. The ignoramuses?

    Where quality is never job one, and Parnel can't find anyone with a brain anywhere.

  7. "excellent management and conservation skills," Parnell said???

    Vote Beached Whale, looser every time!

  8. NOAA's Institute of Social and Economic Research.

    "A Booze Cruise is a Booze Cruise."

    Unless of course...your an ignoramus?

  9. Hey 10:23!

    booby, I thought that you weren't going to post anon anymore since you abhor that so much.

    You are right though, if I was as qualified as these guys I could serve. Problem is... I've never wanted to become qualified at inept bureaucratic corruption, so...can't join the club.

  10. Iggy Normus here. I must of touched a nerve otherwise I wouldn't be called names.

    It's time to break the destructive cycle that the council has been holding onto forever. Perhaps we need a representative with common sense for a change. This idea that "qualifications" matter is so off in the left field that the right gets ignored.

  11. Just REALLY don't like Hull, smarmy bureaucrat.

    Hull: We need some new paperclips, let's form a committee, schedule some meetings, and through our collaborative community, hopefully effect some possible solution.
