Friday, March 30, 2012

IPHC contenders named

Back in February we told you the federal government was inviting nominations for two U.S. seats on the International Pacific Halibut Commission.

So who was nominated? Here's the list.

Ralph Hoard and Phillip Lestenkof currently occupy the two seats, and both are eligible for reappointment. But only one of those names is on the list of nominees.


  1. How does Tom Ohaus claim to be a Sitka resident when he lives in a $1.27M house in South Dartmouth MA and has an extra lot worth $447,800? And his partner Chuck McNamee lives in Minnesota and hires people from his home to work in Sitka.

    3/29/2011. "McNamee, 36, still calls Minnesota home, but this spring he will head back to Sitka, Alaska, for the summer, working as a charter fishing captain for a business he now co-owns, Angling Unlimited. He's one of many Minnesotans living at least part time in Alaska. His brother, Kevin, also owns a charter fishing business in Sitka. And of the 25 people working at Chuck McNamee's business last year, 23 were Minnesotans, including seven of the eight boat captains."

  2. Tell US, what does U.S. Resident actually mean?

    Cape Cod, Dartmouth, and Harvard?

    And the Samuel Adams Brewing Company, brought to you from John Hancock, and a few more hotheads, from Boston Harbor....

    "International" of course education is always a discrace in the New World too!

  3. According to NOAA staff, Ohaus is inelible because he isn't a processor or commercial harvester.

    Those are the unwritten rules for appointments to the IPHC.

    "Unofficial" dedicated seats.

    Whiddon has the most support within the Alaska commercial sector for the open seat.

  4. Whiddon who?I've been Halibut fishing 35 years and have never heard that name.
