Monday, November 28, 2011

Courtroom showdown coming in Steller case

Deckboss is sure you've not forgotten that the state as well as a big segment of the Alaska fishing industry are suing the National Marine Fisheries Service.

At issue are commercial fishing restrictions NMFS put into place this year along the Aleutian chain to protect the endangered Steller sea lion.

The state and the industry argue the restrictions are unnecessary, and don't reflect sound science.

Each side has filed reams of paper arguments in the case.

Now opposing lawyers are preparing to duel in person before federal Judge Timothy Burgess of Anchorage. According to this order from the judge, oral argument will begin at 1 p.m. Dec. 21.

This hearing could be crucial in deciding a case in which fish harvests worth millions of dollars are at stake — not to mention the credibility of NMFS and the well-being of the Stellers.


  1. I wonder about the Carlson V.S. the State class action lawsuit for over charging non-resident permit holders will finally get resolved.

  2. Yeah, Carlson case. The State might look a little more credible to the feds if they would reimburse their overdue overcharges.

    Maybe CFAB would loan the State the money to pay the judgement.

    How "fair" is the State when it comes to fishery issues after all?

  3. And credibility "IS" a NMFS Duty!

  4. Deckboss,, You haven't heard anything on the Carlson Lawsuit have you? I am shocked how this keeps getting pushed back. And they never update the status on their website. Basically everyone is left in the dark on this deal so far. Any info would be great.

  5. Deckboss is a resident, residents aren't that interested in the Carlson case. Ka'piche?

  6. Deckboss is interested in everything related to the fishing industry, non-resident or not.

  7. The killer whales are eating them.

  8. But not resident killer whales.

  9. I sure do wish we had some of them sea cows still around, heard they was awful delish!
