The crew of the 57-foot Copasetic was forced to beach the boat early this morning in the Valdez Narrows at Jack Bay after it began taking on water. Skipper and owner Jonathan Wilkie, along with Derrick Branson and Joshua Zimmerman, all of Seward, used a skiff to reach the shore, where a U.S. Coast Guard boat picked them up safely. The Copasetic sustained serious bow damage. USCG photo
Why did this beautiful boat fly the confederate flag of hate? Shame on Peter Pan for allowing this. Maybe it was bad luck to fly that thing in this state....
Hey moron, the Confederate flag is not an emblem of hate. Learn to read and check a history book. This was the flag of the south during the AMERICAN CIVIL WAR! it has nothing to do with hate , or slavery, or anything to do with oppression. The flag represents American dislane for strong fedral government over states rights. An the war was faught for that reason alone!
I'm sure you could spin that the swastika stood for good things too, moron.
Oh, good lord... I agree with the second comment. Particularly in calling the first poster a moron. Jesus bloody wept... To think that I would actually live to see people who, in the selfish glow of their own ignorance, could gleefully denigrate heroes who gave their lives for a belief in freedom simply because they are too willfully and maliciously stupid to do a little research rather than just blindly accept the "politically correct" pap spoon fed to them by those with an agenda and no grasp of historical reality what so ever....
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