Great, another radio propagandist Dunleavy wants to reward with our skyrocketing CFEC fees. No wonder the black cod fee has doubled in three years even as the value of the fishery tanked.
Fish farms. Entertainers running CFEC. Pebble mine. Trawlers killin' off the halibut resource. Unlimited expansion of the charter industry. Wake up people, the governor does not support commercial fishermen and the coastal communities that rely on them.
Great, another radio propagandist Dunleavy wants to reward with our skyrocketing CFEC fees. No wonder the black cod fee has doubled in three years even as the value of the fishery tanked.
Fish farms. Entertainers running CFEC. Pebble mine. Trawlers killin' off the halibut resource. Unlimited expansion of the charter industry. Wake up people, the governor does not support commercial fishermen and the coastal communities that rely on them.
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