Friday, January 31, 2025

The Gulf of Mexico

We don't often have occasion to mention the Gulf of Mexico here on Deckboss.

When we do, going forward, we will follow AP style guidance and continue to refer to that body of water as the Gulf of Mexico rather than the "Gulf of America," as President Trump renamed it in a recent executive order.


  1. Libtard communist!

    1. You just come running to the dog whistle when your master calls.

  2. I'm with you, Deckboss, thanks. It has been on charts as the Gulf of Mexico since about 1550 — 200-plus years before the U.S. became a country. I think most fishermen pride themselves in knowing the original name — the same people who won't call it Japanese Bay, etc.

    Name change is a symbol of stupidity.

  3. Maybe we could also re-title Prince William Sound and Hawaii, Sandwich Sound and the Sandwich Islands for the Earl of Sandwich, from Sandwich Kent, created in 1660 for Admiral Sir Edward Montagu, of Montague Island Fame in Prince William Sound and Viscount Hinchingbrooke, of Hinchenbrook Island Fame. Good thing he had lots of money to finance those voyages, like the 4th Earl of Sandwich, who figured out how to put some Meat between two pieces of Bread, when the First Lord of the Admiralty, Lord Sandwich sent sent Captain James Cook off in a Bristol Bay sailboat. These Republicans have been a problem for thousands of years!
