Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Huge government pollock buy coming, ASMI says

The U.S. Department of Agriculture plans to purchase up to $50 million of Alaska pollock, the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute said in a press release.

"These USDA purchases provide food insecure Americans with high-quality, healthy and sustainable seafood protein," ASMI said. "They also support American fishermen, companies and communities currently struggling with low pollock prices due to reductions in demand and increased competition, mostly from Russia."


Anonymous said...

How about a black cod purchase? Prices have been in the toilet for years and all management wants to do is raise the quota.

Anonymous said...

At least Russia's fishermen can make it in pollock, salmon, halibut and crab. Can we get another task force to meet and figure out why we can't figure out how they do it in Russia? Never wonder why the tsar sold his shares in the Russian-American Co. to William H. Seward for $7.2 million. These communist food banks are CLASSICS!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, sablefish is way better. I wouldn't serve pollock to my worst enemy.

Anonymous said...

Russians can make it because they have lower overhead costs and sell fish at the same price we do.

Crew "in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, the average was 135,000 rubles ($2,236) per month." Diesel is 30 percent lower in Russia than Alaska.

Anonymous said...

We need to get together with the Russkies so that the producers can control markets for the first time in history! (duh) Lois DUPEY