Saturday, January 13, 2024

Metlakatla's powerful ally

The Metlakatla Indian Community continues to press its federal lawsuit against the state seeking expanded fishing rights in Southeast Alaska.

The U.S. Department of Justice is siding with Metlakatla, filing this amicus curiae brief on Friday.


  1. Let the tribes fish wherever they want without modern boats , gear, gps ,processing support. The greed of what should be proud people is appalling. We are all of the same tribe, not wards of the government waiting for handouts and special privileges

    1. Wwwwaaaaaaaaa😭😭😭 cry baby cry!

    2. Are you serious? Metlakatla’s fishing rights were stolen and the original arrangement was broken by the US government. How are they being greedy for asking for their rights to be reinstated and respected.

  2. This issue centers on Metlakatla fishermen who chose not to fish for salmon in State waters during the years used to qualify for limited entry permits. Instead, they chose to fish closer to home, in the waters of the Annette Is reserve. This occurred some 50 years ago. They are asking the court to disregard those choices and be granted full fishing rights to areas where they (not their ancient ancestors) historically didn’t fish. Motivated by political correctness, the Dept of Justice decides to “help” the plaintiffs

  3. In Alaska, we have a lot of Native tribes that live and fish in remote parts of the state and they should be able to make a living where they live. Big companies like Trident have made it hard for local tribal members to have the opportunities to buy vessels and participate in any of the fisheries, like the Bering Sea. Very few Native members were able to participate in the crab fisheries and get the quota and the financing where these big companies wanted to own it all.

  4. Good thing BobbyT, Zuanich, and Stevens got that S.E. Seine buy back passed, you just have to love it!

  5. Hopefully Bobby T. can get another buyback passed if this goes through.

  6. If you're selling your fish to a company that buys fish from Annette Island, you're a complete fool.

  7. If by chance you have the ability to actually read and understand the U.S. Attorney's arguments, about reserved rights, you could also check out the link on the Boldt Decision and it's link's to Puget Sound Gillnetters, and Washington Passanger vessel, in the Ninth Circuit and Supreme Court.

    Fishing for Tuition, Did you also get that D-Permit in High School?

    "II Equal Protection
    The state and the non-ionian fish catchers argue that to treat Indian fish catchers differently from non-indians in allocating fishing oportunities and determining fishing regulations is a patent violation of equal protection principals. The Washington State courts have accepted this argument. See Washington State Commercial Passenger Fishing Vessel Association v. Tollefson, 89 Wash 2.d 276, 571 P.2d 1373 (1977) Yet the most obvious conclusion from this background is that "equal protection" is an issue in this case only as it limits state regulations of Indian fishing in those areas the where the state has a right to regulate..."

    The Criminal Fisheries Entry Commission does NOT even understand the simple "equal protection" question from their D-Permit Holders.

    "As we pointed out in United States v Washington 520 F.2d at 685, the treaties established something analogous to a contency in the off-reservation fishery..."

    They don't breed em real sharp in Juneau, just like in that Olympia Beer Drunk Tank.

    I Vote Uneducated Fishermen of Alaska, with BobbyT President, so eloquently shown with that missing Optimum Number Study for South East Seiners. "Crime is Contagious..." Mr. Justice Louis Brandies, discussing the Drunks in Seattle's Police Department, at that United States Supreme Court.

  8. Phillips Seafoods pulled their tender out of Neets Bay where the trollers were doing quite well to cover Annette Island. It's pretty hard for the trollers to boycott them because they are the only processor that buys troll fish in the Ketchikan area.

  9. Canadian natives using defunct Canadian seine boats to intercept American salmon to sell to AGS, a Canadian fish buyer…. All the while the Canadians are trying to shut area 4 down because SE seiners intercept 2.4% of the Nass/Skeena red run. Does anyone see the irony?????

  10. Let them fish in their waters according to Statute, 26 Stat. 1095, 1101 (the "1891 Act"), establishing the Annette Islands Reserve as a Reservation. They must use traditional methods. No motors. Open skiff, Cedar bark nets, spears and bows and arrows. People are always trying to bend the rules to their advantage. No one gets ahead by having everything given to them. This is reverse discrimination against me. I'm 72 yrs old. Born and raised in Alaska. Fished most of my life but I had to buy All my fishing permits and I.F.Q.s I'm a American!!! My skin is white, but I have Red hair.

    1. Yes! Customary and traditional only. Using the evil white man's modern equipment in sacred waters would be a violation of traditional values since time immemorial.

  11. 3:35, are you serious? Metlakatla received permits from limited entry and had the 3,000 feet around the island. How was anything stolen? It's not the state's fault that there wasn't many fishermen on the island at the time the cold storage and sawmill was running full speed. The fish traps kept the plant going and employment was high.
