Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Trident's Unalaska plans

Trident Seafoods is confirming plans to build a major new processing plant at Unalaska to replace its outdated plant at nearby Akutan.

But the Seattle-based company says it'll delay breaking ground on the new plant until 2025 due to adverse market conditions.

"The rate and pace at which markets are collapsing across our key species is staggering," says Trident CEO Joe Bundrant.


  1. Ground has already been broken and money spent. Now that is capital deployed with no return. And, interest rates are no longer cheap. What an incredible mistake.

  2. Another reason why TS can't pay the fishermen more.

  3. 12:06, is Silver Bay paying more than Trident?

  4. They are all paying crap because the salmon market is crap currently.

    1. Not all salmon markets are crap. Farmed salmon is doing fine.

  5. NASDAQ farmed salmon index down nearly 40 percent for the year, not the bite a lot of us have seen but wouldn't say fine. Big fish brokers aren't budging on their sale price and of course the loopholes allowing Russian seafood to be reprocessed in Asia and sold as a product of the processing company's country thereby avoiding the sanctions is infuriating and should not be allowed.
