Thursday, April 20, 2023

Juneau watch

Rep. Sarah Vance, R-Homer, has introduced a resolution "encouraging the Department of Fish and Game to adopt certain regulations relating to fisheries bycatch."


  1. Sarah, who wrote your resolution? Maybe a 19-year-old intern in your office?

    The start-to-finish attempted "logic" of this piece, which concludes with nothing more than half-baked resolves ("hey let's support reducing bycatch!" and "let's pile on with another analysis of the costs of bycatch!") is both gutless and meaningless.

    Reducing bycatch is a very serious, worthy goal, but if you really want to make a difference, you need to go to school on the issue first.

  2. This is quite the idea. If we let 'em process and sell all that bycatch, we could just let the trawlers take over all of the Alaska fishing industry.

  3. What would you expect from a bill introduced on 4.20! Half baked for sure, let’s just let the trawler fleet have full rein of the ocean and see if they target the correct species. Come on Sarah, let’s not send the kids to the candy store with a blank check.

  4. Shes showing her total ignorance … again. Fish and game doesnt adopt regulations, the board of fisheries does. Why do people keep voting for her, its not because of policymaking thats for sure

  5. Let's solve bycatch with semantics.

  6. All voices and knowledge need to be at the table — otherwise we all lose.
