Sunday, April 16, 2023

Bristol Bay salmon forfeiture

The Alaska Department of Public Safety, in a recent legislative presentation, listed the following among its successes in 2022-23.

118,000 pounds of illegally harvested salmon forfeited in Bristol Bay


  1. Department of Public Safety? Hah!

    The fishing districts need to be expanded in order to spread out the fleet for safety. This would also greatly improve the quality and value of the harvest.

  2. If that's all they caught in the bay, what a waste of time. That won't even pay for the fuel on the Stimson. They must must not get out and about very often if they consider this a successful season. Every boat catches at least a hundred thousand pounds over the north marker in Egegik, it could be even higher in 2022. Somebody needs to forfeit their badge if this is considered a successful season, with that 156-footer.
