Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Bob Penney crosses the bar

Bob Penney, Kenai River sportfishing advocate and former member of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council, reportedly has died at age 90.


  1. He will be dearly missed by commercial fishermen all over the state...NOT.

  2. It might not have been so bad if he had the interests of all sport fishermen and Alaskans in mind - but he was very focused on on helping the well to do - entitled people of the world - have exclusive dominion over his river - the Kenai. Depicting him as this glowing steward of this resource is laughable. It would be interesting to see if our congressional delegation would have written such glowing remarks about his passing - if he had not been passing them so much money for re-election.

  3. With Kenai River Kings about to make the Endangered Species List, at least we know Lisa Murkowski never will.

    A Penny for her Thoughts!

    "I guess I've always known that I live in a glass house as a public figure, but I guess I won't be living in a glass house on the Kenai River," Murkowski said in 2007.

  4. Not surprising that the commercial fishing sector did not like Penney. But in times when we should find something nice to say about a person who passes and has a loving family, it is very unseemly and unkind for people on this site to be so mean-spirited. Shame on you.

  5. Clearly, anyone who really knew Penney and his business dealings new him to be an aggressive businessman who stopped at nothing to get in his way. He was corrupt, did anything for a buck and used his finances to buy anything he wanted including the souls of many. Many of his influences and minion will plague this State for years. He corrupted many a politician who wanted his power, influence and money.

  6. Here's a story on Penney's passing from KDLL:
