Tuesday, February 21, 2023

P/V Enforcer decommissioned

The state is looking to replace the Southeast Alaska patrol vessel Enforcer after an inspection turned up lots of problems, the Alaska Beacon reports.


  1. Better not make the replacement longer than 32'... 32' is more than enough to work out on the water, right SOA...? ( ;>/ )

  2. Less than 20 years old and it is toast.

  3. I'm sorry, but this (along with most things the govt. blows our money on) is unacceptable. The fishing fleet is comprised of steel boats from as early as the 1940s. Get off your asses and get out the needle gun. If you need an example of how to operate the needle gun, ask one of the fisherman you've been hassling for the last 20 years.

    I'm sick and tired of the govt. buying new shit on my nickel, trashing it, then buying more new shit. Wait and see how this one works out..... They will auction this thing off, and some enterprising fisherman will buy it for $300k and put it to work.

  4. 2 years and $3 million to repair? They could get a new Fred Wahl for that amount and it would take half the time. The government has zero concern for taxpayer's money.

  5. Look at that new million dollar 32 foot Mavrik in the Bay. That $250k Kvichak, one of the last built was hardly broken in, except for when they blew up the engine because they thought they were driving a Crown Victoria Police Interceptor up the Parks Highway, looking for a guy speeding in his Rawson doing 8 knots.
