Thursday, February 16, 2023

3,840 cases of pink salmon for Ukraine

A large donation of canned pink salmon has arrived in war-torn Ukraine, the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute reports. Read about it here.


  1. OBI did this by themselves early on in the war as well without the shiny press release as a donation.

  2. Be assured that OBI had a very effective business plan that benefited them by this action.

    And be assured, if an opposing plan suggested they would do better by selling to the Russian military, they would have done that instead.

    Never, ever trust what may appear to be the pure benevolence of a large, globally-integrated corporation.

  3. OBI doesn't have a very effective business plan. In fact they don't even have an effective business plan. Just stumbling along from year to year led by the same ineffective management they have had for the last decade. Donating to the Ukes is great, but their mission is to make profit for their shareholders. Considering what must be their pathetic bottom line, this give away doesn't cut it.

  4. They sold this fish to ASMI. Seems like a legit business plan to me.
