Sunday, August 22, 2021

Jim Balsiger to retire

Jim Balsiger, Alaska regional administrator for the National Marine Fisheries Service, is planning to retire. His last day will be Nov. 30.

Balsiger has been the agency's Alaska chief since May 2000. He would be away from Alaska for a time to serve as acting head of NMFS in Silver Spring, Maryland.

Balsiger lives in Juneau and says he intends to remain there after retirement.


  1. strongly suspect he will work for a dragger company after retirement.

  2. Not draggers. You obviously don't know Jim.

  3. I testified in Kodiak for the 2012 halibut PSC bycatch reduction action. Jim repeatedly tried to shift the topic to the directed fishery bycatch in follow up questions. During the testimony's he also tried to obfuscate any good points the pro-bycatch reduction people made. Jim was no friend of sustainable fisheries, he was a fried of the big money draggers and processors. He will get paid, just like Chris Oliver.

  4. Balsiger will have "post employment" rules to follow.
    He was a Senior Executive and will have restrictions.
