Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Cook Inlet setnet buyback proposed

State Sen. Peter Micciche, R-Soldotna, today introduced Senate Bill 90, which would establish a buyback program to reduce the number of eastside Cook Inlet commercial setnetters.


  1. I wish I had a couple of those $18,000 permits so I could sell them to the state for $260,000 each. What a deal! Good thing the state is so flush with cash these days.

    1. The funding for this buy back program will come from private groups outside of Alaska... not within.

  2. So now anyone who wants to sell out will sell their permit for $260,000 instead of $20-50,000 to a fisherman wanting to enter the fishery. Im a first generation fisherman who wants to buy into a cook inlet set net operation but now probably won't get a chance because the high price being offered to buy out the permits. All set net permits will be taken off sites like dockstreet, permit masters etc.immediately im sure. Frustrating.

  3. How can you be a first generation fisherman when you own no permit? The Limited Entry Act is written in English, fishermen renew permits at the Entry Commission. Crew member licenses are sold thru Fish and Game. You do not renew a crew license, its worth nothing. There is a legal difference, just in case your having trouble in the legal definitions of fishermen & crew. $18,000 permits were extinguished in another Alaska buyback for over $200,000. Alaska has shitloads of money, hundreds of billions in oil wealth passed out for decades. We've been receiving these checks for years, first issued in 1983, after the Supreme Court tied em up for a couple years. "Get in, get it done, get it done right, and get out." Donald Trump, Art of the Deal, p. 65. "Sometimes it pays to be a little wild." p. 5. "The point is that you can't be too greedy." p.48. Even Trumps Grandfather sold out in the Gold Rush. I always love a crewman, who couldn't pass an Alaska Civics Test, no matter how much money was wasted at the University of Alaska.

  4. Senator Pete puts this deal in the legislative hopper knowing it is pure b.s. but hopes it makes a handful of set netters in his district throw some votes to him next goaround. Really Pete? You propose to use millions of Alaska public dollars (in these times) to guarantee a retirement income for a handful of your constituents?

  5. Bah haha.

    Should make Bob Penny and Francine Dumbleavy pay for this shit. Ya know, this is how political bullshit works. Pat pat pat; pat pat pat.
    KRSA is all smiles.

    Dunleavy's cronies have a plan and it ain't for our well being folks. Remember, Dumbleavy never attended any fishermen's forums and has spoken against commercial fisherman before.

    Next up, the susitna dam?
