Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Arne Fuglvog

You remember Arne Fuglvog, don't you?

He's the former Petersburg fisherman, congressional aide and North Pacific Fishery Management Council member who did prison time in 2012 for misreporting sablefish catches.

One might think Fuglvog's fall from grace would bar him from ever taking any role in the management of federal fisheries off Alaska.

But recently, a stakeholder committee was formed to provide the council with recommendations on halibut management. And Fuglvog is among the committee members.

He's on the committee as a representative of Glacier Fish Co., which operates trawlers that net halibut as bycatch.


  1. Trouble getting trolls in the commments so thought you’d troll yourself? Pretty desperate post, Wes. Arne made a mistake but is a standup guy with a good reputation in the fisheries world.

    1. Kind of like Roland Maw, for example. Just forgive and forget, huh?

  2. I second it. This is America. Not the medieval ages. He paid his time, lets move forward.

  3. Arne made a mistake & others have been caught making the same mistake. The difference is Arne was a member of the NPFMC & in a position of trust & lied about his mistake, he should not be allowed a role in Federal management of fisheries in my opinion.

  4. Hold your head up, Arne. We respect you, in the context that we know every one of us is flawed in some way and that we've all made mistakes we regret.

    You paid your dues and have moved on - honorably and competently. That's why you landed the good job you have. And it's also why you'll do a good job in this assignment.

  5. Comparing Roland Maw to Arne is like comparing Bobby T to Lebron James.

  6. Yes, Arne has as much right as the next guy to make a buck out of destroying the halibut fishery.

  7. Arne made a mistake, he has paid for it and will continue to suffer the consequences. However, Arni never hurt me or directly any other fisherman that I know of and was an extremely strong advocate for the industry as a whole. Having him step up to the community plate takes strength and committment that is desperately needed for all of us to continue fishing. Give him a chance to make amends!

  8. I'm sure the Alaskan Longliners, Charter Fleet and Sport Fishermen won't mind at all when Arne negotiates away many TONS of Halibut to the Trawl Fleet interests. What fishery does that poundage come from??

    Are the Stake holder's Lobbyists demanding ANOTHER bite at the apple.

    Next thing they'll be asking for a seat on the NPFMC for a Stake Holder,,..

  9. Before Arne was a Representative of the people of Alaska on the NPFMC and Murkowski's staff. Now he represents just a few Processor's that pay his salary.

    He's not looking out for the public's interest.

    He's a gun for hire to the highest bidder and he won't care where or who the fish come from.
