Thursday, April 19, 2018

Skipper, deckhand charged with shooting sea lions

Here's the press release.


  1. Funny how the release says the captain directed the crew to do the shooting. They are probably cutting the deckhand a deal to narc on the captain, and letting him off since he was directed.

    Just keep your mouths shut and don't talk to no police.

  2. Lock them up for a few months during salmon season and feed him sea lion 3 times a day.

    Maybe the next chest-puffing shooter will think twice about ordering his young crewman to do that deed.

  3. Or, give them both medals for shooting sea lions.
    Is there a GO FUND ME for these guys legal costs?
    I want to donate.
    Keep your mouths shut boys, the state has nothing.
    Hard to get ballistics from a shotgun.

  4. Is there any chance of hiring those boys in SE for some Sea Otter management?

  5. I agree with 3:48.
    Anybody in the know probably rejoiced when hearing about this news. I bet even the people who wrote the charge know the gunmen did right in killing these predators except that there is this law...
    I hope the prosecutors are open minded enough to recognize what these guys did is appropriate since turning Sea lion into vegans would not work.

  6. I remember the good old days when we could kill the predator eagles, dollys, seals. We need to thin out the bears and orcas some more too. In the bay that no kill on rainbows is stupid, anybody knows how many salmon eggs they eat.

  7. Unbelievable that some people think killing these protected marine mammals is a good thing and applaud those involved. Thank goodness they don’t speak for all commercial fishers. If you do not like state and federal laws either try to get them changed or get out of the business of commercial fishing. But do not intentionally violate the law! And if you do, hopefully you will pay a hefty price.

  8. This was a very dumb move! They could shut this fishery down for much less. Back in the day someone shot one and for years They had to carry Marine Mammel observers on small boats. Regardless if it was the crew that shot them, the blame goes to the Captain, and he seems young and dumb, when they close the fishery the naysayers will not be to happy. Plenty of felonies there. Can his Daddy bail him out this time?
