Friday, April 28, 2017

It's go time at Togiak

Herring have arrived at Togiak and the fishery is set to open at 6 tonight.


  1. Can't stop these little salmons

  2. Bering Sea silver

  3. ...norwegian atlantic herring fishermen can get between $500 - $1,000/tonne depending on size, season, oil content etc.
    fishermen, don't rely on your buyers to tell you that your herring is only worth $50 - $100/tonne...or $.025/lb. to $.05/lb. that's still like fishing getting paid back in the day right

    example of how to get out and tell your story -

  4. Togiak herring will certainly sell to Japan for under 900/ton for 10% roe. Considering the tender cost is around 225/ton, and processing costs in Naknek probably around 350/ton it is hard to figure how a seiner would get 500 to 1000/ton for their catch.

  5. there's always a way

  6. why don't you tell us how genius

  7. if fishermen like getting paid what they're paid, then continue to do what they do...if fishermen want to make more, then they need to market, market market, explore what's out theree - - don't rely on the same 'ol same 'ol ---- operating like its still the good ol days aint workin. it may work for the non-in-region fishermen that participate in the herring fishery but for those that want to play, it takes time, effort, a desire and money to get out there and disrupt the current way of doin biz. if there's just talk and complaining and no action then it'll be what it is and, well that'll be it right?

  8. The processors have always kept the fishermen impoverished going back to the early times seems like Same O same o every once in a while they throw you a bone and fishermen do well for a while then they break you financially with the market bs and the pattern repeats from generation to generation if your a "fisherman" you take it if your a business man you get into a more profitable operation that can have the future of growth and predictability after 29 years fishing the bay and other Alaskan fisheries I realized that most do it and get sucked into the abusive pattern because they know no different starting to fish in their child hood helps this pattern remain in place.

    God speed live the Alaska dream but be prepared to Always get screwed by the buyers.

  9. Simple really. If you fish for Silver Bay, and they have about half of the Togiak herring, ask to see the invoice to Japan. Then give them some du for tender cost and processing cost. Figure these on the low side if you want. In the end you will see that getting 500 a ton is about five times what you are really going to get. 11:59 and2:45 have to get real.
