Thursday, October 6, 2016

Severe cut for Bering Sea snow crab

The Bering Sea snow crab quota for the season opening Oct. 15 is just under 21.6 million pounds.

That's down 47 percent from last season's limit of 40.6 million pounds.


  1. Wasn't rationalization supposed to fix this?

  2. No, rationalization was supposed to make a handful wealthy and continue the ongoing privatization of Alaska's fishery resources. Then they wonder why there is such a problem with the "graying of the fleet" and lack of ownership participation by the younger generation. They must have forgot they got their IFQ for free.

  3. Good job working that in their 9:22.

  4. I hope that the crab quota owners do not jack up their lease rate percentages to make up for the decreased revenue. The crab quota owners have grown accustom to a certain level of money for nothing.
