Tuesday, June 2, 2015

What would happen in a shutdown scenario?

If the Alaska Legislature can't work out a budget and the state proceeds with a partial government shutdown come July, what would happen to fisheries management?

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game addresses that question in this press release.


  1. This might be a good time to over-haul the Dept. of Fish and Game.

  2. I'd prefer they do it in a way that doesn't shut down all state waters fisheries besides Salmon...

  3. Agree with 9:00 am. Most directors are Parnell appointees or Palin or even Murky. Nothing will change until leadership changes. So disappointed in Walker Mallott for not seeing that.

  4. ADF&G does just fine. We got rid of most of the trash when Gov. Walker came on board.

  5. How come I am still seeing "trash" in F&G to 6/6 @7:31 AM. It must depend on what part of the state is being cleaned and over-hauled.

    There is too much at stake for F&G to ignore any longer. Philosophy and practice need to be revisited. A lot has happened in the mere 50+ years of statehood.
