Monday, February 23, 2015

Kodiak strip club owners indicted

The owners of a strip club that operated aboard a converted Bering Sea crab boat at Kodiak have been indicted in connection with the dumping of raw sewage into local waters.

Details in this press release from the U.S. Attorney's Office.


  1. This is a very selective application of the law. What about the 60 fishing boats that pipe their head directly into the harbor in Kodiak, or oily bilge water? The AK department of justice is only pursuing this because the stripper boat was an embarrassment to them. The stripper boat got shut down for what was not a sound legal reason. It seems like they are trying to grind this guy down. Its embarrassing my tax dollars are being used this way.

  2. Sounds like a dirty business.....

  3. Shady characters on both sides of this deal.

  4. Ran out of business just like the Shamrock in Ketchikan ;)

  5. The fat housewives of Kodiak were threatened.
