Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Commissioners fire back

We recently noted that the state had conducted a review of the Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission, which issues permits and vessel licenses for Alaska's many fisheries.

That review was fairly critical of the CFEC, citing inefficiency and other concerns.

Now the three-member commission is offering a detailed response.


  1. Fucking cfec guys are rock stars

    Who would fiuck with the com fish fleets golden goose

    We are fishermen

    We pay the fees

    If we decide they go that's fine

    It's no one else's decision

    And we want them to stay

    So go fuck yourself Paul seaton

  2. Tweet, Tweet, Tweet?

  3. Too bad they criticize the best department within CFEC,the licensing department is by far the best, I have dealings with the licensing departments in four states, and CFEC is in a class by themselves in service,they know what needs to be done to help us all get fishing.....It would appear that the this agency needs an Executive Director immediately so that the fat cat lawyers can finish their decision has been sitting waiting for a decision since 2007...and this is in a very lucrative fishery. I say make them do their work and get someone in there that can run the agency!

  4. Well, the commissioners seem to think very highly of themselves. I was shocked to see that really only one recent case was discussed in this reply, along with a lot of excuses for their lack of production and badmouthing the employees who do nothing but help us get out fishing. I was also disappointed as a longtime fishermen that in the documentation, two executive secretaries and three commissioners, who repeatedly mention that they're all lawyers, somehow missed a fellow fisherman's ssn and dob. It looks like it's blacked out now, but who's personal stuff are they going to publish next, and how do they still have a job after pulling a stunt like that?

  5. I have personally met many CFEC employees...they are very helpful, this CFEC response is a disgrace to the State of Alaska, it's time for change and I also saw the report with a fellow fisherman's ssn listed in the document, how can these things happen I really don't understand, let's hope my personal information doesn't become public either.....

  6. Yes I seen that SSN and address of that lady the commissioners splashed all over the internet. Good thing cfec has lots of lawyers they are going to need them.

    ON the other hand, maybe they can tie it up in court for 15 years they are good at that. ps lets all give three cheers and raise a beer to the real workers of cfec who got slimed by there bosses

  7. 5 lawyers, secretaries, etc and only 3 permit cases done each year??

    And when they get called out for it their solution is to shit on their female employees. Slimy man. Good thing your not sitting next to me.

  8. I could tell this was going to be an amusing read when they started out by spelling the addressee's name wrong. It's CottEn. He's not fabric; he's the commissioner of Fish and Game. Well done guys. How embarrassing.

  9. Publishing a person's Social Security Number and other personal information is a crime in Alaska. Look it up.

  10. CFEC is the only department in the state that takes in more revenue then it spends.

  11. Let's hope the legislature and governors office do some house cleaning in this agency. The "response" is poorly written and disclosed confidential personal information, all the while referring to the "cake is baked" and they are paid how much? Embarrassing and disgusted is what I say

  12. Unnamed faceless commenters

    Cfec is a fishermen funded kickass agency

    I don't know Vern yet but Ben Brown and Bruce Twomley are invaluable public servants

    We as fishermen pay their salaries

    And I'm happy to pay them

    If you nameless losers support the new gal from kodiaks bill just sign your name and come out of the closet

    Bob Thorstenson
    Executive Director SEAS

  13. BOOBY T,
    Now SEAS; wasn't that that the group investigated along with Ben and Ted and isn't that the group that used fisherman's money to lease a building in juneau that you owned and oh yeah isnt that the group you ran when you advocated for the buyback but before it became public you told all your friends and their wives to buy permits to sell later, Oh yeah I remember SEAS. Go crawl back under your rock.

  14. Bring it on

    You nameless faceless anonymous pussy


  15. NMFS was able to process and handle the all appeals related to 1) IFQ halibut/sablefish, 2) license limitation program, 3) IFQ crab, 4) AFA pollock, and 5) Rockfish coop. They did this with a very small staff and completed the task years ago. The lawyers at CFEC have been on a free ride for several years. The only division of the Commission that functions properly is licensing and Bruce Twomley hung them out to dry because they are pushing for change. The state can no longer afford the inefficiencies and the lack of oversight of the Commission.

  16. Another guy who wants to federalize alaska

    It's apples and oranges

    Did nmfs have a Carlson case too?

    Cfec saved the state fucking millions

  17. I mentioned NMFS as they performed a similar task - adjudication in the process of privatization of a public resource. NMFS did not attempt to create a two tier system - resident/non-resident fee structure and the State of Alaska lost the Carlson case.

  18. Lets say your a political appointment commissioner making $130K a year. And you got 3-4 more years to serve in your term and you only got 25-26 permit cases in front of you.

    What do you do to keep that gravy train running?? You sure as hell dont finish the cases and work your self out of a job!

    No, you do 3-4 cases a year. Let the good times roll man. Extend it, play out as long as you can and tell the legislature 'finally we have a manageable case load"

    The b.s. in all this is sick. Lets hope the Leg doesn't let them get away with it.

  19. Some of you should actually read the lengthy legislation proposed. CFEC function will now be entrusted completely to the Dept. of Fish and Game. CFEC petitions and determinations will now be reviewed exclusively by the Commissioner of Fish and Game with final decisions to the Alaska Board of Fisheries. Like having the politics regulate your permitted fishery is bad enough with the legislature. Then if there is some adjudication necessary for your future transfer than it will be handled by some administrative judge, plenty in Anchorage that know very little about commercial fishing and a whole lot about sportfishing, personal use fishing and subsistence. We may need some changes but the working end of CFEC is overworked and do put in the time to allow many of us to fish in a very short notice. The commissioners do their work and are constantly protecting CFEC permit holders from legislative attacks and being extremely careful in legal precedence. Maybe we don't need two, but one is like none. Both confirmed Commissioners have individual roles in the process. The other attending professional staff are specialist in research for protection of the our Limited Entry laws. Some of this could be contracted out in the future. Note: This is specialized work and it is vital to combat the attacks on our fisheries. Where would we be if the IRS had their way? I can only imagine how they are just waiting to re-address limited entry permits and fisheries operations in the State.
