Monday, January 5, 2015

Bristol Bay reality show premieres Thursday

Click here for a preview.


  1. Not one Alaskan among the bunch.

    Their skipper biographies says "Capt. Taran White (The Thunder) is a young brash Bristol Bay native with the fastest and most expensive boat on the water."

    But CFEC's permit and vessel databases only list outside addresses for Taran White/Thunder.

  2. lol. Jesus. Now salmon fishermen are fishing to "protect the ecosystem" from the ravages of 44 million sockeye returning to spawn, and to prevent them from "wrecking havoc" on Alaska's waterways. Absurd, but what ever sells, right?

  3. Just like all reality tv, there ain't a damn thing real about it. At the very least, it should be entertaining. I hear season two is already in the works.

  4. 3pm a little knowledge is dangerous, read some adf&g management plans

  5. And this will be a blockbuster. It WILL sell

  6. I can't hadly wait to see deck loads of warm dead sockeyes entangled in your nets! You bay guys dump nothing but worthless crap on our markets!

  7. I'm curious how they will spin the required statement about how someone could die with one wrong move.

    Seems to me there are a few guys that crave fame.

  8. I hope this reality show doesn't send a wrong message to the world how all Bristol Bay fishermen handle the fish based on this reality show, I haven't seen this reality show but I'm assuming there will be areas that will show how the crew piles up the fish on the deck and then jumps on the fish etc.

    Bad advertisement!!

  9. Bristol Bay = Sea of Fools

  10. I think they should follow the maintenance fleet around...

    I heard garden hose and extension cords are a big seller up in the Bay.

    Heck, maybe I should plumb my main and hydraulics with it... Might save some money.

    Unfortunately that the stereotypes of Alaskan Fisherman as being high-school dropouts and cowboys is being perpetuated by the big networks. These shows are so far removed from any figment of reality, it's disgusting.

    I bet PEER and their cronies are already vying for prime time advertisement.

  11. I hope the crew gets paid for that.
    They will need the $$ this season.
    BBay red price will be well south of $1 with 38m catch.
    SE pinks - .25 - big run
    Chums- .65 and there won't be any

  12. It could be 40 cents 8:03, with the strong dollar, weak yen, and the high school dropouts.

    Oil to $20.00?

    But just think, condos in Anchorage for $5,000.00 just like in 1986, it takes a village to move into prosperity.

    Will we get to watch em towing dropouts through every episode, like the REAL, reality show during the last 20 years.

    They breed chimpanzees smarter than this fleet, and you can watch them at the Zoo, with no electricity required from the bankrupt Naknek Power Co-OP.

  13. @8:03pm.Even with the projected increase in BB harvest, there will be should be less sockeye on the overall market, since the Fraser in BC will produce next to nothing. They caught 11 million last year. Hopefully...price may dip a bit, but we won't see prices go that low.
    Its also quite possible, maybe likely, the run comes in below forecast.

  14. The captains got paid, but you know the crews didn't see a dime of that Hollywood money. Sounds like fuel was paid for, and that has to be a pretty big bill for those jet boats.

  15. Sig sold tartar sauce, female Russian crab, and fish sticks. Maybe some enterprising Bristol bay guy will sell farmed alantic salmon

  16. It's better than that. Get ready for "Thunder-wear"

  17. The guys who are fast & smooth, squared away boat and crew, pick and set, pick and set, turn the gear over fast, fish killers, no drama of any kind. They would be boring for the general public to watch, but they wouldn't let any cameras on board to begin with, plus they have the discipline, smarts, to keep their mouths shut.

  18. I thought it was exciting!

  19. Plus, since when is 50 million nearly half a billion?

  20. I can't take the Jimmy Jeff seriously. It's hard to concentrate on what he's saying when there is wiring hanging all over the place, etc. Cluttered boat, cluttered mind.

    This guy is not ready for prime time.

  21. The forecast for BB 2015 is high.8 to 12,000,000 inmature were cod in 2014.That's where the bump came from in 2014.

  22. @9:13 good one! I hope they bring awarness to Pebble through this show!

  23. After watching a few episodes , I am not impressed with fish quality, throwing fish, no bleeding or ice, wow back 50 years. I am also surprised that the price seems to be 2 bucks,I thought it was more like a buck if they were lucky

  24. ^^^ Correct. We actually got a price of $1.20 a pound last season (the season being shown on the show) plus the 15 cents for chilled fish.

    Fleet reduction idea: Put RSW on your boat and bleed every fish or get out.
