Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Oceana, Greenpeace sue over sea lions

Environmental groups Oceana and Greenpeace this week filed suit against the National Marine Fisheries Service in a bid to block expanded commercial fishing in the Aleutian chain.

The suit is a reaction to the new federal policy on Steller sea lion protections.


  1. So how is this this going to coincide with the article below? With GOA Pollock and P Cod TAC up 13.8% and 16.2% respectively and Atka Mackerel up almost 70% in BSAI? Seems bass ackwards after reading it on NOAA's page...

  2. It is the beloved Alaskan members on the North Pacific Council who thought it was a good idea to starve Stellar Sea Lion babies by giving their food to the 2 foreign companies who have 86% of Atka Mackeral TAC- FCA and Ocean Peace, another fact the Council and MARAD continue to ignore every year.

  3. oceana and greenpeace both receive "donations" from fish farm companies.
