Thursday, October 16, 2014

Togiak could yield another big herring haul

A huge volume of herring is expected again next spring at Togiak, with the forecast calling for a potential harvest of 29,012 tons in the sac roe fishery.

The industry took 25,136 tons last season. The grounds price was $50 per ton.


  1. maybe this year they will work for $25 a ton....

  2. WOW'I need to buy a togiak and sitka herring permit (just kidding)

  3. Market isn't likely to get any better. Japan price won't be much better than packing food fish for Africa. You can bet there are going to be fewer buyers as only the low cost producer can make it. That means the big volume plants....SBS, Red Salmon, Independence, but probably not any of the Icicle operations, OB or other Naknek plants.

  4. Could someone PLEASE correct me if wouldnti am wrong,why dont the permit holders sit on the beach for just one year and not harvest herring.I know most of the sitka herring permit holders are pretty well healed,is it stupidity,greed or both.These dip shits would rather fish for nothing,further wouldnt fifty thousand tons left on the table help next years price.....just asking

  5. pretty much a waste of time to catch 100 tons and gross 5,000 bucks, what a joke, more money as bait fish, let em swim.

  6. It will become all about who can catch for the lowest price and who can process for the lowest cost. So in the end there will be a handful of seiners (10 to 15) at $50/ton and maybe three processors left. Maybe the catching and processing capacity won't be big enough to take a 30000 ton quota before spawning, but those few seiners and processors will make a little money. It is an evolution and it isn't going back to the way it used to be.

    1. It is time to close the fishery. It is more valuable left in the water. Let the Asians use up their inventory and the price in a year or two will come up. Or put a cap on both Togiak and Sitka harvest. Things will never be as good as they once were. Maybe it is time to sell out of the fishery before permits get really low. And that will happen this year one way or another. Heard that one was being offered for 200 K and there was no interest. Whew!

  7. Norway fishermen get $1.40 A POUND for their herring. Why?
    Because they use all the fish for smoked, canned, fillet products -not just the females for roe and grind up all the males for dumping or maybe fertilizer.
    When will Alaska do the same???

  8. Might work if they do equal split and the processors just take part of the quota. Maybe need 5 boats fishing in each sitka and togiak.
    Anybody need a good skiff driver?
    I still need a job that time of year!

  9. Maybe, just maybe, it is time to put a cap on the herring harvest at a level that creates demand for the product. Swamping the market with nearly 60,000 tons from Sitka and Togiak, is not productive and forces prices way down. How about a cap in Sitka of around 8,000 tons and 10,000 tons in Togiak? Try that for three years and see how demand and price go up. You might even see some additional Chinook and Halibut which would benefit from the additional herring left in the water. Don't leave this decision up to the fishermen. They have shown that they will fish no matter that they know they will lose money. And don't leave it up to the Dept as they really don't care about supply and demand. They live in Sitka and will give in to the local pressure to open the fishery no matter what.

  10. the price herring roe is still good in japan your buyers are just sticking it to you
