Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Bering Sea pollock stock surges

Preliminary results indicate a nearly 60 percent increase in pollock survey biomass in the Bering Sea, the National Marine Fisheries Service says. More details here.


Anonymous said...

In other news, king by-catch is expected to rise by 60% this year.

Anonymous said...

Drag it up!!! Drag it all up!!! Everything.

Anonymous said...

Wow, let's get out there and fish for more over a longer period of time. Kings be damned, we can't afford to let all those future McDonald's sandwiches go uneaten (it would hurt our economy). In other news, how excited is your village about getting a McDonalds- 'since we took your kings, our pollock Fillet-o-Fish sandwich is only $15 in Nome'. And it's MSC certified- who could argue with's even PETA certified

What a sham of a fishery that KO'ed Yukon kings...