Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Lawmakers propose ban on Russian seafood imports

Read the Alaska congressional delegation's letter to the president.


  1. Make it permanent.

  2. Make it permanent.

  3. Off topic. Anyone hear how Fraser sockeye in Canada is going on the late run? Prices?

  4. Yeah,that will really hurt them! It will just provide more opportunities for other buyers and in the long term only hurts the US consumer. I realize Alaskans only think of themselves in this matter and our eastern troika love this sort of thing to flap over; much ado about nothing but they look so serious talking about it.

  5. Fraser sockeye catch last Friday was just over 2 million. Price dropped to C$1.65 which is US$1.50. The run was pretty good but not the whopper expected. Fraser has a late summer sockeye run that should be going on about now. Laine Welch

  6. Thank you Laine. I would like to add, however, that I believe the Fraser "whopper" might have been misinterpreted by many who read your work. I love your work, but I have to point out that I heard multiple people say the heard Fraser was expected to be SEVENTY MILLION FISH! Reporters should be careful using maximum statistical parameters in "the news"

    Also, I think it benefits alaskan fishermen, if our influential local reporters wait to report on poor alaskan salmon prices until after fishing starts and they are posted. Media scare is ammunition for processors. How about reporting on all the preseason rumors of $2.40 sockeye in Kodiak.

    Oh, and careful not to give Gunner too much voice as he publishes reports about gloom in the salmon market. Maybe we could get him to do a piece on how PWS hatchery production affects the Alaska pink salmon price though.
