Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Canada mine disaster raises salmon concerns

The breach of a tailings pond at a British Columbia copper and gold mine could affect Fraser River sockeye, Canadian media report.

Here's one news story. And another.


  1. this is why as fishermen statewide we need to stop industry mine development. Its just a matter of time before proposed mines in BC that flow into southeast alaska start to affect us.

    KSM mine just east of misty fjords is open for a thirty day comment period. send a prepared letter to provincial government that we do not want mine tailings in alaskan waters. www.seacc.org/ksm

    eric grundberg
    fv happy time
    petersburg, ak

  2. Build Pebble now!

  3. What perfect timing for Gov. Parnell. His newly appointed fisheries policy advisor might be able to advise him on the scope of this disaster.. That is if he's not too overwhelmed with the learning curve of what a fish is...

  4. This is a terrible event. I hope I never read an article similar to the one linked below about a breach in a tailings dam in Bristol Bay.


    Mining industry self regulation will never be sufficient and the State of Alaska's legislators and mining lobbyists are equally not interested in protecting Bristol Bay, otherwise they would be putting in place those protections needed to exclude miining in salmon senstive areas of Bristol Bay. Instead, the likes of Parnell, Young and Murkowski spend a lot of energy fighting the EPA's investigation of the area.

    I listened to Murkowski's political blah on her trip to Dillingham in June, and I find it unbelievable how she stated she wanted to stand with the people of the watershed, but continues to not put any effort in protecting the headwaters of Bristol Bay.

  5. any questions, pebble mine supporters? click on first news story, and watch the video. Try to imagine that in the scope of
    the pebble mine tailing pond, which I'm pretty sure is orders of
    magnitude larger than this one that failed catastrophically! Couldn't happen, you say? Dream on.

    brian walker
    f/v holly d
    f/v us liberator
