Here are a few highlights from Alaska's young salmon season.
• The statewide, all-species catch stands at about 14 million fish. The forecast calls for a harvest of 133 million salmon for the year.
• Sockeye is the dominant catch so far, totaling more than 11 million.
• In Southeast Alaska, trollers have taken more than 36,150 Chinook salmon in the spring fishery.
• Copper River gillnetters already have exceeded their season forecast of 1.6 million sockeye.
• The action is starting to pick up at Bristol Bay, scene of Alaska's flagship salmon fishery. Gillnetters on Friday landed a monster haul of nearly 2.7 million sockeye, bringing the season tally to 6.8 million. The state has forecast a catch of 16.9 million sockeye for the year.
• On the Lower Yukon River, commercial fishermen using dipnets and beach seines have caught about 600,000 chum salmon, with nearly 4,800 Chinook reported caught and released.
No mention of the hatchery failures in Prince William Sound? No dogs and 3 lb sockeyes?