Monday, June 30, 2014

Bristol Bay busts out

Bristol Bay commercial fishermen are netting some huge sockeye hauls, indicating the run could be peaking early this season.

Here's a rundown of recent daily production:

June 29 — 1.07 million fish
June 28 — 2.04 million fish
June 27 — 2.66 million fish
June 26 — 2.04 million fish
June 25 — 1.40 million fish

The fishing has been so hot that some buyers reportedly have placed their fleets on delivery limits to allow processing plants to catch up.

Through Sunday, the baywide catch totaled just shy of 10 million sockeye.

The state preseason forecast called for a harvest of 16.86 million sockeye for the year.


  1. they never give prices until the end of the season...

  2. No one has or will post prices for another week at least. The buyers can't post prices until they know the strength of the run.
    Extreme Seafoods' posting of $2 per lb is akin to putting their dick on the table for measurement and no one caring. They are too busy pushing a mockumentary than worrying about a plant and fishermen services.

  3. I wonder if I can still get in on that $2 a pound

  4. I don't think it peaked early...
