Tuesday, April 15, 2014

New owner has big plans for Cook Inlet hatchery

Cook Inlet Aquaculture Association has taken ownership of the Port Graham Hatchery and aims to produce millions of dollars in pink salmon.

Here's a press release with all the details.


  1. Money for seiners not setnetters. Yet both pay for aquaculture's "services"

  2. Great more fry to compete with wild stocks

  3. Unbelievable, we are complete idiots. This is about the dumbest thing I have heard in a long time. What is wrong with us? Greed over “smart fish practices” seems to be the way of the future.

  4. Makes me want to stamp up and down and spit. Lets use our heads. Hatchery overproduction hurts our market, keeps incompetent fishermen in the salmon game, and diminishes the brand and integrity of "wild salmon" I fear desire to be like PWS with its occasional million dollar seasons will wreck a good part of what we've held out through the bad times here. I want .50 + for pinks and I don't want 100,000,000 dark, 2,5 lb pinks on the market. Dammit! Lets be real fishermen.

  5. More fry to give predators a choice of dinner fare....and if they are actually sloewer and easier to catch then I guess wild fish being stronger will escape in greater numbers and create stronger returns of wild.And returns of salmon are getting stronger....or have you noticed?

  6. Say if we can fish hatchery's . doesn't that mean we can have fish Farms ?

  7. As a former Lower Cook Inlet permit holder, my observation is that The Cook Inlet Aquaculture Assn. has f__ked up everything they have ever touched. Don't even have to go back too far, just look at how successful they have been at Tutka recently.

  8. When are people going to get smart? When is enough enough. This organization is a failed business and needs to go the way of all failed businesses: away. Why do the commercial fleets continue to pump money into this bottomless hole. 2% from drift and set net fishermen? And what do they get in return, Zip! The only people benefitting from this scam are those who are running it. There are some huge salaries and bonuses being distributed to their staff. Look at their board of directors and ask some questions of who benefit. Ask for an audit and then follow the money. Might be quite interesting!

  9. All those years of every other coast screwing up their fisheries, and we (as Alaskans) thought we had learned from their lessons, and ALASKA would be sustainable. No farmed raised or colored injected fish here we say!!! We won't let our seas get over fished! We manage our fisheries!! Or have we? Seems to me we are on a path for destruction.....Hundreds of fishermen lose their jobs every year while NMFS and ADFG and IPHC just "grow". Great planning. Everyone has a chart and a diagram.......no one seems to know who's are accurate, but fishers suffer and so do fishing communities. Sad times. For the fish and the fishers.
