Sunday, April 6, 2014

Kodiak seiners to get crack at pollock

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game plans to open a Kodiak pollock seine gear test fishery sometime prior to June 9.

The vessel registration deadline is 5 p.m. Friday.


  1. If seining is successful, and reduces bycatch, this change in harvesting method, could improve Chinook returns to Alaskan rivers systems, as well as Chinook returns to the entire West Coast of North America.

  2. Save chinook? You're smoking the good stuff. The only time you can get pollock in a seine around Kodiak is in the bays and chinook bycatch will be off the charts (except with no observer, you'll never see the real numbers).

  3. 10:47 Same thing I was thinking. Wonder why they don't have the test fishery during salmon season? Sounds like there is going to be a lot of salmon poaching going on,and some direct marketing to friends and family.Lame idea, better left in the water to feed Kings and Halibut.

  4. I really hope this is successful and can then migrate to Kachemak Bay. It would be nice to see a crustacean rebound there.

  5. I will not find it much of a surprise if there is no effort at this.

  6. Not right now with nothing left but spawn outs and salmon just around the corner. It"ll be a different story in the fall for sure!

  7. Gonna need some deep seines. The pollock schools are usually down at least 100 fathoms.

  8. That's in the winter. Summer time they can be found right on top, boiling like black bass.

  9. Length limit on vessels?

  10. Kodiak Seners already take 30,000 Chinook in their regular fisheries and their native runs are in the toilet. Charter take 9,000, trawl fisheries another 35,000 and the now let us bring in even more unregulated out of sight out of mind seiner to reel in more immature pollack and all species of salmon. Great idea! Let us make sure that we have no observers and we can keep all the young ones, nobody really cares about the years ahead. Are not the seiners getting rich enough in PWS and SE? Greed!!!
